Administrator Guide 2017
Create document library
Before you start
Are your documents ready?
  1. Where possible use PDF formats as they are the most universally accessible.
  2. Remember that documents can become very large, especially if they include a lot of images, and that large data items use storage space on the device and may cost more money to transfer.
  3. Do you wish to categorise your documents in (eg) training manuals, data sheets, etc?
Why would I use a document library?
  1. Reference guides for Health & Safety (may be a requirement in some areas)
  2. Centrally up-dated reference manuals for safety standards such as electrical codes (check copyright regulations).
  3. Training manuals.
  4. Pricing tables.
  5. NOT suitable for any documents that need acknowledgement, such as Terms & Conditions for a customer or compulsory training units for operatives, as they are purely for reference. If acknowledgement is required, create a template which links to the document and contains a signature capture item
Overview of process
  1. Step 1. Create a document library list
  2. Step 2. Create categories
  3. Step 3. Add documents
  4. Step 4. Link to your devices
Step 1. Create a document library list
  1. Create a list on the server called 'Document library'. If visible, make a note of the Id of this list.

Step 2. Create categories
  1. Create another new list for one of the categories (eg enter 'Training manuals' in the description).
  2. In the Additional attributes tab tick the box that says “associated image/document”.

  3. Return to the “Document library” list created above (or to the category above if creating a hierarchy) and create a new entry corresponding to your new list (eg 'Training manuals').
  4. Select the list name in the “cascading child list” drop-down.

  5. Repeat Step 2 for all categories. If further levels (or hierarchy) are required, substitute the parent name where 'Document library' is used here. In other words, if 'Training manuals' needed to contain a number of 'Level 1' documents, 'Level 2' documents and 'Level 3' documents you may wish to create sub-categories where 'Training manuals' was the parent (ie substituted for 'Document library' in the above steps) and 'Level 1' was the list name selected as the child in step 2.4 above (then 'Level 2' and 'Level 3').  See Concepts - Cascading Lists for more details on the subject.
Step 3. Add documents
  1. From the list of Lists, click on the link for 'list entries' that is associated with your category list (eg Training manuals).
  2. Click Add Item (or click on an existing one to edit it).
  3. Select the Additional Attributes tab (probably the first one but it depends how many attributes are attached to the list items). Click on the link next to 'Associated image or document' and an Upload Files dialogue box will appear.  Use the Select button to open the familiar windows browsing dialog box.

  4. Don't forget to save.
  5. Repeat this process for all categories.
  6. Use this process regularly to keep documents up-to-date.
Step 4. Link to your devices
  1. Contact magic5 support to have the library linked to your devices. If you have the Id of your Document library this will be useful and magic5 support can help you to identify this.
See Also